Accountancy and Tax Compliance

Our team of professionally-qualified accountants provides a full spectrum of accounting and tax compliance services to individuals and small-medium sized enterprises. This includes preparation of statutory and management accounts; income tax, corporation tax and VAT returns; budgeting, forecasting and due diligence work.
Accounting & Audit Services
We prepare financial statements in accordance with recognised professional accounting standards – International Financial Reporting Standards and UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. We can work in collaboration with a client company’s own finance department or provide a comprehensive accounting service from bookkeeping to delivery of financial statements. In collaboration with preferred audit partners we can also prepare audited financial statements.
Accounting is a continuous activity integral to a company’s ongoing financial planning and control - it is not a once-a-year process. Therefore we also assist companies with ongoing financial reporting, including monthly management accounts, forecasting and budgeting, performance reports and cash-flow planning.
Tax & VAT Compliance Services
Dealing with tax and VAT compliance matters is a technical and time-consuming task. Our Tax & VAT Compliance Department has expertise in UK and Irish taxation matters for both individuals and companies.
Payroll Services
If a business employs permanent staff but does not have a dedicated human resources manager or finance department, it can enhance efficiency by outsourcing its payroll procedures. Verfides has capacity to handle a client company’s employee payroll procedures on a weekly, monthly or periodic basis – including compliance with applicable employment tax reporting and ongoing obligations.